Synopsis of the Novel, Plague City
Plague City, the 2019 Kenneth Patchen Award Winner, is a genre-defying novel that invites the reader to participate in its narrative. With a collage-style approach, Genelle Chaconas weaves a story that challenges the traditional boundaries of literature. The prose is at times poetic, at times questioning, and always engaging. As Jane L. Carman notes in her encomium for the award, Plague City "shows you how literature might (must!) move forward in a chaotic world."
About the Author, Genelle Chaconas
Genelle Chaconas is a nonbinary gendered, queer, abuse survivor who is proud of their identity. They hold a BA in Creative Writing from CSUS and an MFA in Writing & Poetics from Naropa University. Chaconas has been published extensively and serves as head editor for HockSpitSlurp Literary Magazine. They enjoy scifi and gangster flix, drone/noise/industrial music, and long walks off short piers. Plague City is their first novel, and it is a testament to their innovative approach to storytelling.