Synopsis of the Novel, "The Greatest Place on Earth": Personal Note: A Work of Absurdity?
From author Jeff Weisman comes an absurdist tale of a highly regarded psychology professor asked to lead an investigation by the Bureau into a town that has seemingly gone insane. Here, the professor encounters a variety of outlandish denizens, all spewing impossible statements and making fantastical accusations within an indecipherable logic before being put on trial for crimes that are blatantly opaque. Is this what it felt like to live in America during the first two years of the Trump Administration? Stylistic invention, direct citations, wild play, outlandish humor, compassion, random dispatches, historical photographs, faux documents, and a variety of other approaches to convey the larger metaphor come together in this unique and captivating work.
About the Author, Jeff Weisman
Jeff Weisman is an author and English teacher, who has lived and traveled extensively throughout his life. Born in the suburbs of Chicago, Weisman has lead a life of adventure and creativity, having written numerous books such as An Ordinary Life, An Anarchist's Guide to Running for Political Office, The Tuck Murders, and The Milford Falls Caper. He is highly educated, having studied in the middle of America and graduated from graduate school in Boulder, Colorado. Weisman is delighted to be able to share his works with readers from around the world.