Synopsis of the Short-Fiction Collection, Collected Stort Shories
Erik Belgum's COLLECTED STORT SHORIES has been called "ten of the stortest shories ever written" and has perhaps been best described as "ten randomly generated words: splization, clackosaphy, phummed, schlonimals, hormips, strthly, pfeelingloo, slullaby, coughpumpers, and neonderwear." These unkempt, evidence-based, often algorithmically generated stort shories record the recent changes in employee rules at Bigmart, answer some FAQs about buying your own death, accurately document the waterboarding of Garrison Keillor as well as the author's own repeated 103+ degree fevers. Then the fictional part begins! Arbitrarily created people. Classical supplements. Glowing transfers of information. There's even a radiation Christmas story in here. For strictly legal reasons, a Halloween affidavit rounds out the collection.
About the Author, Erik Belgum
Erik Belgum divides his time between Shafer, Minnesota, and Osceola, Wisconsin. Best known for his unusually large-sized head, Belgum's algorithmic prose draws heavily on structural techniques from avant-garde music and linguistics as well as his experience as a speech pathologist. Belgum has written and produced audio literary works for ABC (Australia), BBC (England), CBC (Canada), New American Radio, Bayerischer Rundfunk, and Hessischer Rundfunk. WDR-Cologne produced a radio documentary on Belgum's work in 2003. His audio fiction has aired on stations from Hong Kong to Buenos Aires to Vancouver and on dozens of stations throughout the US. Belgum's published work includes the book Star Fiction as well as fiction in over thirty-six literary journals (37). His ambient fiction recording Bad Marriage Mantra has achieved a cult following among loudmouths and assholes alike.