Synopsis of the Anthology, The Laugh that Laughs at the Laugh: Writing from and about the Pen Man, Raymond Federman: Journal of Experimental Fiction 23
This Anthology is a tribute to the great French-American novelist and Holocaust survivor Raymond Federman, featuring contributions from friends, colleagues, and admirers, including Jerome Klinkowitz, Charles Bernstein, Ronald Sukenick, Larry McCaffery, Doug Rice, Lance Olsen, and Mark Amerika. It also includes unpublished fiction by Raymond Federman himself, from early work during his years as a student at Columbia University to a long excerpt from his current novel-in-progress. This Anthology is a wonderful and fun introduction to this incredible and important figure in contemporary fiction, and an invaluable addition to the body of scholarship published on his work.
About the Editor, Eckhard Gerdes
Eckhard Gerdes is an award-winning author of poetry, drama, and fourteen books of fiction, including the novels Hugh Moore and My Landlady the Lobotomist. He has won the Bissell Award, been a finalist for the Starcherone and the Blatt awards, and was nominated for Georgia Author of the Year. His most recent books are a tongue-in-cheek work of creative nonfiction, How to Read; a novel, White Bungalows; and a collection, Three Plays. He lives in Arlington Heights, Illinois, and has three children and five grandchildren.