Eckhard Gerdes has published books of poetry, drama, and fourteen books of fiction, including the novels Hugh Moore (for which he was awarded an &Now Award) and My Landlady the Lobotomist (a top five finisher in the 2009 Preditors and Editors Readers Poll and nominated for the 2009 Wonderland Book Award for Best Novel of the Year). He has also won the Bissell Award, been a finalist for the Starcherone and the Blatt awards, and was nominated for Georgia Author of the Year. His most recent books are a tongue-in-cheek work of creative nonfiction, How to Read (Guide Dog Books); a novel, White Bungalows (Dirt Heart Pharmacy Press); and a collection, Three Plays (Black Scat Books). He lives near Chicago, IL, and has three children and five grandchildren. None of them are named Robbie, Chip, or Ernie.
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